A stunning story of two EnRinged Gentlemen
Jan was on a business trip here in Ottawa, Ontario. Once settled in his Airbnb apartment, he went online to find if there were any naturist activities during his stay. He found only one with the Nude Dudes of Ottawa. He called the organizer and think he said that he was a bisexual naturist and wondered if he would be welcomed at the social event planned for that Saturday evening. Alex, the host, explained that most men were gay with a few bi and even a couple of straight men, so sure, he would be welcomed.
I had never been to one of their events before, as I was a new "convert" to naturism...being naked publicly. Have you heard of Naked Boys Reading? Just like it sounds...this is a literary event where the readers are naked men! Not necessarily gay at all! A friend of mine started the local "chapter" and asked me if I would be one of his first readers because of my experiences on the stage (but NEVER naked) as an actor and singer. His plan was to promote the human male form and its beauty through readers of all ages, colours and sizes. I told him it was a good idea but that he was nuts! There was no way I would EVER consider going on stage naked! I had HUGE body issues and hated my body! I told him I would support his efforts and buy a ticket to his first "show."
When I arrived, the first thing that shocked me was the number of females in the audience...at least 40%! I'm very old fashioned and only see male doctors! LOL I could NEVER appear naked before females! The show began and it was a wonderful experience. Eight readers reading selections that had been chosen by a moderator upon a certain theme. Each reading was between 5 and 8 minutes. It wasn't sexual at all. A very enjoyable evening! Some were excellent readers... some were not! However, my friend was unable to get a wide variety of men as he had hoped. He was the oldest reader at 40, the others were all in their 20s and 30s. All had slim, trim bodies with only one having a more "rugby" player body, but still very fit! And what really surprised me was that 7 of the readers were uncut! After the show ended, I don't know what possessed me, but I went up to my friend Hector and said that I would be one of the readers at his next show! He needed an old, fat man who was circumcised! There I was, a month later, reading at my first NBR event! I was so nervous...I shook like a leaf! But afterwards was told I had the best "dick-tion!" LOL I have since read for 5 NBR shows over the last 3 years (we haven't had a show since last Feb.).
My friend Hector was also one of the coordinators of the Nude Dudes of Ottawa Social group and encouraged me to join. I did, but it took me a while before I got enough nerve to attend. Standing on a stage naked, reading to an audience is one thing... but to stand in a room full of naked guys... talking! OH MY! Now THAT'S truly scary! LOL
Jan from the Netherlands and I showed up to the same event that night. He was seated on the sofa and the only place available was next to him, so after taking off my clothing I sat down next to him. I quickly found out that he was a visitor and had understood that he was "straight." I sensed he was a tiny bit nervous being there. But what a good salesman he was for your company as he was eager to tell me about the cockring he was wearing. As the evening progressed and we talked to others, we kept returning to continue our conversation. Finally at one point he asked me if I would like to try his ring on. I had told him that I had only had bad experiences with them as they turned my balls purple within 5 minutes! He said he had an extra one with his clothes. When he came back with it in hand, I was standing in the kitchen. He came up to me and started to hand it to me, but then said, "May I?" I said, sure! He got down on his knees in front of me and proceeded to gently and seductively put the ring on me. I knew my cock was in expert hand and that mine wasn't the first cock he had handled! I think I was 65 years old at the time and I do NOT get spontaneous erections! I have to be laying down for that to happen! But my cock responded nicely to his touch and the ring! He got it on quickly before I chubbed up too much...but he continued on his knees...caressing and stroking my growing cock! Others took notice... and all I will say is that the "social" event quicky turned "sexual!" Oh my!
The following night was a NBR event at which I and 2 other attendees that night were performing. We invited Jan to attend. He asked me if I wanted to wear the ring for my reading. (Cockrings are the ONLY thing that readers are allowed to wear!) The next night, he arrived early and once again enringed me. No public arousal this time as I still get quite nervous before each performance. After the show, I had many curious and inquisitive eyes and hands admiring the ring! After getting dressed, the three performers who had been at the previous evening's event, plus Jan and a couple of other fellows went to a local pub for some food and drinks and we had a wonderful time!
Jan had ridden a bicycle to the event from his Airbnb. It was quite late when we finished at the pub and I offered to put his bike in the back of my car and drive him home. What happened there will forever be etched in my memory as one of the finest encounters of my short gay life!
We have continued a long distance friendship through Facebook and What'sApp, texting almost every day and exchanging photos of our EnRinged cocks.
By Peter, from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada