World of Velv'Or RSS

The JBoas are back on stock

Hell yeah our JBoa is back and this time stronger than ever. For these new styles we developed a stylish storage box as well as a minimalistic carry along sleeve. So the JBoa can again be on the bedside table in its box or in its sleeve ready to get in action when required. Hope you like them all and we are looking forward seeing your orders! GET YOURS NOW https://www.velv-or.com/collections/ready-to-wear/jboa

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Full body scan

Many of the members of our League Of EnRinged Gentlemen are frequent flyers and mostly take off their Velv'Or Gentlemen Rings way before security check at the airport especially when there is a Full Body Scan present. But some times they just forget and have to go for a quick grab in their pants. And lay their JNada for instance in the scan tray. Here is an experience from one of our members: "At the airport, on my way back just before security (full body scan) I realized that I was still wearing my blue JNada ring. I had already put my carry on luggage on a tray. Just in time I could put my hand in my pants, take...

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The Third Generation of the JBoa is coming

It has been a while that the iconic JBoa, of which we sold several thousands of First and Second Generations, has been off the market. Luckily for all JBoa fans and newbies to this amazing one size fits all Lasso the Third Generation is coming soon!! If you can't wait to share your enthusiasm with us please let us know ---- The JBoa is a fully adjustable penis ring designed to be worn at the base of your penis. Constricting the penis at its base will result in super hard, longer lasting erections, as well as euphoric ejaculations. JBoa ist ein vollständig verstellbarer Penisring, der zum Einschnüren des Penis an der Peniswurzel entwickelt wurde, was zu superharten, länger anhaltenden Erektionen sowie euphorischen...

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Our JCobra vs

IT IS GREAT WHEN A MEMBER OF OUR LEAGUE OF ENRINGED GENTLEMEN TELLS US ABOUT HIS THOUGHTS. The Velv’Or Vigor JCobra vs Sebastian Pintea’s Sterling Cockring I have been wearing various sterling silver cockrings since 2016.  My dream though has always to own one of Velv’Or’s cockrings. Even so I had concerns about the expense. Finally, I bought one, a Vigor JCobra, and I have to tell you and your partner that you really should not think about the money.  Now for my experience. I bought the Sebastian Pintea silver cockring. It looks like a good remake of, and cheaper alternative to, Velv’Or’s JCobra. The ring is much lighter than the JCobra.  At first the weight of the ring did...

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